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Sunday 22 September 2013


There are 15 topics given below , one topic can only be chosen by one student. Use the Guide To Writing Assignments as a guideline to writing your assignments.
2.     Discuss the rise and fall of the Malacca Sultanate from the year 1402 to 1511.
3.     Four major foreign powers in succession  colonized Malaysia, that is the Portuguese, the Dutch , the British, and the Japanese, before it reverted back to the British . Of the four powers, scholars generally agreed that the British period left an unmistakable political, social and economic landmark upon the states in Malaysia. Do you agree ? Discuss.
4.     Trace and discuss all  events in Malaysia since independence in 1957  that led to the formation of Malaysia in 1963.
5.     Elaborate the concept of Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy system in Malaysia.
6.     National Unity should move beyond a superficial interpretation  based on form (e.g. food, language and traditional festivals) towards one based on essence, substance and shared values (mutual respect, love, justice and quality). Discuss.
7.     Explain how the various geographical, historical, social and political determinants contribute to shaping the nature of Malaysia's foreign policy and the conduct of the country's international relations.
8.     History will be made a compulsory subject to pass at Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia level beginning 1913. What is the rationale and justification behind this new directive  by the Ministry of Education? Do you agree with this new directive? Give reasons for your views.
9.     Democracy has been defined  as “ the government of the people, by the people and for the people”. Discuss  this definition in the Malaysian context.
10.”History suggests that the Malaysian Constitution was built upon compromise, accommodation and the spirit of give and take among its various ethnic groups. These compromises found their way into the constitution  as a means to guarantee and to promote political stability, social harmony and economic progress”.
                                                                        (Jayum A. Jawan, 2006)
Elaborate what the author means by making specific references to the provisions in the Malaysian Constitution that support this stance.
11.   What are  the four main functions of the Election Commission of Malaysia as stipulated in various sections of Articles 113 to 120 and also the Thirteen Schedule of the Federal Constitution? Discuss the challenges they faced on carrying out these functions.
12.   Choose one Chief Minister (Menteri Besar) of a state whom you admire most and whom you think has made a great  impact on the development of his state. Write an account of his achievements in developing the state politically, economically and socially.
13.   Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was the fourth  Prime Minister of Malaysia who  held the post from 1981 to 2003. (22 years)  During his term in office he was credited for engineering Malaysia's rapid modernisation and the resulting growth of prosperity. Trace all the development policies attributed to him and discuss how those policies helped develop Malaysia  to it’s present status.
14.   Discuss the  impact of globalization towards Malaysia’s national education system.
15.   Discuss at length, each and everyone of the 9 challenges (outlined by Tun Mahathir Mohamed) that Malaysia need to overcome to achieve Vision 2020.

a)     Group Assignment
·       This research must be done by group.
·       This assignment should contain 25-30  pages excluding graphics/table  
·       Be printed in point font size 12.
·       The proposed date to submit is before or on the  21st October 2013
·        Double spacing, justified alignment 

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